Sunday, March 16, 2008

My First Blog

So... I've got a masters degree in online journalism... but have been pretty lazy about utilizing my online skills since I left grad school. Truth be told, I've been so busy building a broadcast career that my website has fallen by the wayside.

This blog is my attempt at jumping back into the online world and keeping my website fresh... the only problem, what to blog about!

I'll work on that in the coming days... but just a heads up... some upcoming topics may include:
  • The necessity of a personal website: Who cares? Is it simply narcissistic? What are the benefits?

  • Sierra Leone: My husband and I are in the process of planning a trip to Sierra Leone with World Vision. While we're there I plan to shoot a series of stories on the countries recovery a decade after the height of the "Blood Diamond" era. What is the state of the diamond industry today? How does a diamond get from the mine to your hand?

  • Inclement Weather: I'll also likely blog on various weather patterns... Wet or wild weather... How an extended forecast pans out... What makes or breaks a spacific forecast... What tools I utilize to forecast a specific event.

  • New Wether Video: You'll often find me out & about reporting in the wind, rain & snow. Sometimes comical sometimes serious... I'll post some of the most interesting video.

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