Sunday, June 1, 2008… Innovative or narcissistic?

So my domain & website ( was a gift in college. I was getting my MA in Online Journalism so it made perfect sense to have a website. When I began applying for my first TV jobs (back in 2003 when personalized sites were rare) it worked as a marketing tool. It also showed I was innovative and set me apart from the flock of graduating broadcast students. Fast-forward six years and sites are a dime a dozen. So… what do personalized websites say about you now?

I mentioned my website to a co-worker he other day and she seemed a bit put off by it. She said I didn’t seem “like one of those people.” I mentioned that I thought it was a great job-hunting tool. She pointed out that personal websites might give hiring news directors the impression that you are more about ego than content.

So… I ask you, is a personalized website innovative or egotistical?